world's first microprocessor (16 pin DIP)

            4       000       000         4            
           44      0   0     0   0       44            
          4 4     0   0 0   0   0 0     4 4            
         4  4     0  0  0   0  0  0    4  4            
        4444444   0 0   0   0 0   0   4444444          
            4      0   0     0   0        4            
            4       000       000         4            


                  _______    _______                   
                _|       \__/       |_                 
       <--> D0 |_|1               16|_| RAM0 -->       
                _|                  |_                 
       <--> D1 |_|2               15|_| RAM1 -->       
                _|                  |_                 
       <--> D2 |_|3               14|_| RAM2 -->       
                _|                  |_                 
       <--> D3 |_|4               13|_| RAM3 -->       
                _|       4004       |_                 
     (+5v) Vss |_|5               12|_| Vdd (-10v)     
                _|                  |_                 
      --> CLK1 |_|6               11|_| ROM  -->       
                _|                  |_                 
      --> CLK2 |_|7               10|_| TST <--        
                _|                  |_                 
      <-- SYNC |_|8                9|_| RST <--        

instruction set:

|Mnemonic  |W1|W2|T|Description                                |
|NOP       |00|  |E|No Operation                               |
|JCM c,aa  |1c|aa|G|Jumps to ROM address aa depending on c     |  
|FIM Rm,dd |2s|dd|I|Fetch Immediate (Mov dd to reg pair s)     |
|SRC Rm    |2t|  |C|Send Register Control  (*1)                |
|FIN Rm    |3s|  |B|Fetch Indirect(Mov ROM at @R0R1 to s)      |
|JIN Rm    |3t|  |C|Jump Indirect (Jump to @t)                 |
|JUN aaa   |4a|aa|F|Jump Unconditional to ROM address aaa      |
|JMS aaa   |5a|aa|F|Jump to Subroutine at ROM address aaa      |
|INC Rn    |6r|  |A|Increment register r                       |
|ISZ Rn aa |7r|aa|H|Increment register r jump to aa on Zero    |
|ADD Rn    |8r|  |A|Add register r to accumulator with carry   |
|SUB Rn    |9r|  |A|Subtract r to accumulator with borrow      |
|LD  Rn    |Ar|  |A|Load accumulator with contents of r        |
|XCH Rn    |Br|  |A|Exchange contents of r and accumulator     |
|BBL d     |Cd|  |D|Branch back (in stack) load imm d to accum |
|LDM d     |Dd|  |D|Load imm to accumulator                    |
|WRM       |E0|  |E|Write contents of accumulator to RAM       |
|WMP       |E1|  |E|Write contents of accum to RAM output port |
|WRR       |E2|  |E|Write contents of accum to ROM I/O lines   |
|WPM       |E3|  |E|Write accum to selected half-byte (*2)     | 
|WR0       |E4|  |E|Write selected RAM status character 0 (*1) |
|WR1       |E5|  |E|Write RAM status char1 to accum (*1)       |
|WR2       |E6|  |E|Write RAM status char2 to accum (*1)       |
|WR3       |E7|  |E|Write RAM status char3 to accum (*1)       |
|SBM       |E8|  |E|Subtract selected RAM from accum (*1)      |
|RDM       |E9|  |E|mov selected RAM to the accum (*1)         |
|RDR       |EA|  |E|mov contents of ROM I/O lines to accum(*1) |
|ADM       |EB|  |E|Add selected RAM to accum with carry (*1)  |
|AD0       |EC|  |E|Read selected RAM status character 0 (*1)  |
|AD1       |ED|  |E|Read RAM status char1 from accum (*1)      |
|AD2       |EE|  |E|Read RAM status char2 from accum (*1)      |
|AD3       |EF|  |E|Read RAM status char3 from accum (*1)      |
|CLB       |F0|  |E|Clear Both (Accumulator and Carry)         |
|CLC       |F1|  |E|Clear Carry                                |
|IAC       |F2|  |E|Increment Accumulator                      |
|CMC       |F3|  |E|Complement Carry                           |
|CMA       |F4|  |E|Complement Accumulator                     |
|RAL       |F5|  |E|Rotate Left Accumulator and Carry          |
|RAR       |F6|  |E|Rotate Right Accumulator and Carry         |
|TCC       |F7|  |E|Transfer Carry to Accumulator then Clear   |
|DAC       |F8|  |E|Decrement Accumulator                      |
|TCS       |F9|  |E|Transfer Carry subtract then Clear         |
|STC       |FA|  |E|Set Carry                                  |
|DAA       |FB|  |E|Decimal Adjust Accumulator                 |
|KBP       |FC|  |E|Keyboard Proccess (*3)                     |
|DCL       |FD|  |E|Designate command line                     |

| Instruction Format                                           |
|  Word1  |Word2 |Type|            Notes                       |
| ----rrrr       |A   |rrrr=R0/R1/.../RE/RF (4 bits)           |
| ----rrr0       |B   |rrr=R0R1/.../RERF (3 bits)              |  
| ----rrr1       |C   |rrr=even numbered Reg Pairs (see above) |  
| ----dddd       |D   |dddd=4 bits of immediate data           |
| --------       |E   |                                        |
| ----xxxx XX    |F   |aaaa=upper 4 bit address XX=Lower 8 addr|
| ----cccc XX    |G   |cccc=condition reg. XX=Lower 8 bit addr |
| ----rrrr XX    |H   |rrrr=R0/R1/.../RE/RF XX=Lower 8 bit addr|
| ----rrr0 DD    |I   |DD=Data                                 |

|Hex Variable      |Description                                |
|r                 |R0/R1/R2/R3/.../RD/RE/RF                   |
|s                 |Reg Pairs R0R1/.../RERF followed by bin 0  |
|t                 |Reg Pairs R0R1/.../RERF followed by bin 1  |
|a                 |Upper Address A11,A10,A9,A8                |
|aa                |Middle and Lower Address A7,A6,..,A1,A0    |
|d                 |Four bits of immediate data                |
|dd                |Eight bits of immediate data               |
|c                 |condition reg. c1c2c3c4 (*4)               |

|Mnemonic Variable |Description                                |
|Rn                |R0/R1/R2/R3/.../RD/RE/RF (4 bits)          |
|Rm                |Reg pairs R0R1/R2R3/R4R5/.../RERF (3 bits) |
|dd                |8 bits of immediate data                   |
|d                 |4 bits of immediate data                   |
|aa                |8 bit address                              |
|aaa               |12 bit address                             |
|c                 |condition reg. c1c2c3c4 (4)

(*1) SRC selects the address (And RAM banks) for the I/O instructions
     (All instructions with an "E" OPR)

(*2) For use with 4008/4009

(*3) Converts contents of the accumulator from a one out 
     of four code to a binary code

(*4) c1:Invert Jump Condition (if c1==1)
     c2:Accumulator Equals Zero Condition
     c3:Carry Equals One Condition
     c4:Test Signal (TST - Pin 10) equals Zero Condition 

world's first microcomputer:

the MCS-4 computer used:

interesting thought: the 4004 has no stack, yet it features a jump to subroutine (JMS) instruction. see if you can describe how JMS was implemented, given the absence of the stack. could subroutines be recursive? if not, how many levels of nesting were possible? comment on the absence or presence of a "return register" that might allow only 1 level of nesting.