Example of pipelining: decon facility

Without pipelining: 30 seconds to strip, 30s wash, 30s cover = 90s = 40 persons/hour:

3 steps: (1) strip (deconfiscate decontraband); (2) wash (shower); (3) cover

With pipelining: 30s/person = 120 persons/hour:

The three stages (Strip, Wash, Cover) are pipelined:

Step 0 Enter:

Step 1 Strip:

Step 2 Wash:

Step 3 Cover:

Step 4 Exit:

With parallelism in addition to pipelining, e.g. a parallel pipeline (six station hexagonal shaped stripdown room; six station column shower, etc.), if privacy were not a problem, the throughput could be increased to 720persons/hr:

However, when six persons enter the stripdown room, shower room, and drying room, together, there is a privacy problem. This problem was solved by having separate decon pipelines for men and women, so that the facility could process 720men/hr and 720women/hr. In addition to solving the privacy problem, having these two separate pipelines resulted in additional parallelism: 720men/hr+720women/hr=1440 persons/hr:

A feature of this space-efficient hexagonal packing is that people never need to turn at angles tighter than 120 degrees, so throughput is very high. Also, the 120 degree angles where walls meet facilitates the installation of high security rotogate turnstiles like those used in unguarded automated subway exits. This ensures that no person can flee from the facility without passing through in the proper direction. Moreover, the hexagonal packing of the six rooms creates lost space in the center. This lost space is actually put to good use as a central triage observation room. The walls of this central room are made entirely of smoked lexan so that guards in the room can have a clear view of activities taking place in the six rooms around the outside, but, for reasons of national security, persons in the six rooms cannot see into the central guard tower. During construction, this central room being built first, should have a hexagonal-shaped counter or shelf running all the way around the inside. This shelf is for the six high resolution video cameras that allow the guards to be located remotely, and remotely operate the facility. The room also houses computers to buffer the video for archival, for quality control and training purposes, and to ensure that safety policy and procedures are complied with:

During construction a hexagonal countertop is built into the central triage/observation room. The walls of the hexagonal triage/observation room are made entirely of darkly smoked bulletproof glass or smoked lexan (polycarbonate).

For more details on why this facility was built, see the final chapter in Cyborg: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer