@article{candocia1, author = "Candocia, F. M.", title = "A Least Squares Approach for the Joint Domain and Range Registration of Images", journal = "{IEEE} {ICASSP}", year = 2002, volume = "{IV}", note = "avail. at http://iul.eng.fiu.edu/candocia/Publications/Publications.htm", month = "May 13-17", pages = "3237-3240" }
@article{candocia2, author = "Candocia, F. M.", title = "Synthesizing a Panoramic Scene with a Common Exposure via the Simultaneous Registration of Images", journal = "{FCRAR}", year = 2002, volume = "", note = "avail. at http://iul.eng.fiu.edu/candocia/Publications/Publications.htm", month = "May 23-24", pages = "" }
@article{candocia3, author = "Barros, A. and Candocia, F. M.", title = "Image Registration in Range Using a Constrained Piecewise Linear Model", journal = "{IEEE} {ICASSP}", year = 2002, volume = "{IV}", note = "avail. at http://iul.eng.fiu.edu/candocia/Publications/Publications.htm", month = "May 13-17", pages = "3345-3348" }